Welcome back to Term 3, which is already proving to be very exciting!
This term we are looking at Minibeasts, which ties in well with our new Talk for Writing Text. (Soon to be announced).
We have started Surprise News Bags this term, to promote oral language development. Bags will be sent home with instructions and a description chart. Students are to choose one item from their home, practise describing it with their family and then bring it to school the next day. The student will describe the item and the rest of the class will try to guess what is in their bag.
We have just had school photos which went really well. Everyone use their best smiling faces. These will be handed out later in the term when they are returned to us.
We began the term by reading 'The Very Grouchy Ladybird' by Eric Carle. We discussed why the ladybird might have been grouchy and then explored our own feelings and identified what makes us grouchy. We turned our grouchy faces into a grouchy ladybird! Check them out in the class. They look fantastic!
We are looking at a possible excursion to Perth Museum later in the term. We will keep you posted when we have more details.
Please remember to follow our classroom morning routines. It is important for your child to find their name on the 'who is here today' wall. Then each student should be practising their name writing on the name writing sheets. When helping your child to write their name, please ensure that they use correct pencil grip and correct letter formation. By the end of the year students should be able to write their name independently. It is important that they use this time to practise these skills.
Looking forward to the rest of an exciting and informative term!