Mid Term Reminders
Behaviour management
In room 5 we use the fishbowl behaviour system where students strive to reach the blue fishbowl.
Each student starts on the green fishbowl.
Students making good choices are moved up to the pink fishbowl, if they stay here until the end of the day they receive a sticker. If they continue to make great choices they are moved up to the blue fishbowl where they at the end of the day get a prize.
If students choose to make poor choices they move down to yellow, where they receive a verbal warning. Should they continue to make poor choices they move down again to the orange bowl, where they receive a timeout to think about their actions. If the behaviour then still continues they move to the red fishbowl where students are then sent to a buddy class to complete work or to have thinking time.
Students can move up and down throughout the day, and students who have made poor choices are always encouraged to work hard in order to move it back up.
Those who finish the day on the blue bowl will receive a blue note to inform you that they have reached this colour.
Those who have been to orange or red throughout the day will also receive a note so you can discuss making better choices.
Home reading
Yellow homework bags in Kindy are used for Home Reading. These books are only taken home for one night.
Group 1 - Taken home Monday and returned Tuesday
Group 2 - Taken home Thursday and returned Friday.
These books are for parents/oldeer siblings to read to the children (Not for Kindy kids to try and read).
Please ensure that you write in the record book (on your child's page) the book you have chosen and the date. When returning please sign it in and date return.
Each Kindy child visits the library once a fortnight - on their Wednesday.
Your child needs their blue library bag in order to take a book home and must have returned their previous book to get a new one.
3-Way Conferences
Please note that there are two days in June for 3-way conferences.
The 17th June has been opened preferably for those students in Group 1 as this is a Wednesday in which they will be attending.
The 25th June has been opened preferably for those students in Group 2 as this is their regular day.
Please book online at schoolinterviews.com.au
Construction Corner
For the second half of Term 2 we will be having a free box construction area to tie in with our Three Little Pigs focus. Students will be able to create some awesome pieces of art. Please be encouraging towards your child's work. To you these may look slightly interesting however the children take a lot of pride in their work. Please have discussions with your child about their art and enjoy the pleasure that they take in sharing this with you.