Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Term 2 News

Yanchep Beach Kindergarten Term 2 2015

Welcome to Kindergarten term 2. We have some exciting experiences planned starting with our Ladies’ Afternoon in week 3. For the duration of this term we will be looking at traditional stories and nursery rhymes. All classes are working towards Literacy, Numeracy and Social Competence, as required in the Australian Curriculum. 

Literacy and Numeracy
These are some areas that we will be looking at and covering this term:
·       Literacy- Speaking and listening, comprehending and sequencing predictive texts, discussing the features of a story, concepts of print, role play and name writing, rhyme, syllables and some letter sounds.
·       Numeracy- Counting forwards and backwards, counting using one to one correspondence, understanding the concept of zero, numeral recognition, subitising, positional language and the language of measurement. We will continue to review and extend shape knowledge.

News Telling
This term as part of our speaking and listening goals for literacy each class will be providing weekly news telling opportunities. Each child will have the opportunity to take home a teddy bear and news journal where they can document what they did with the teddy bear.  Please encourage your child to practise describing what they did, whom they were with and where they went. 

Literature Based Home Reading Program
In Kindergarten there is no formal homework, however, we endeavour to set up routines and good habits through our Home Reading Program. In this program you read a book to your child. Each morning parents are encouraged sign out a new book. In the past, students with older siblings have particularly enjoyed this program as they feel they have homework, just like their brother or sister. 

Perceptual Motor Program 8.35 – 9.00am
In the Kindergarten year, we spend a lot of time building the foundations for future learning. It is pointless rushing ahead if students don’t have the prerequisite skills necessary to succeed. This is especially important in the area of literacy where the acquisition of appropriate fine motor skills can prevent handwriting difficulties and the problems associated with it. The students are now familiar with the Kindergarten routine and we will continue our Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) this term. This will occur from 8.35-9.00am as the children arrive. During this time slot as per last term, parents and caregivers are encouraged to stay and spend time with their child, completing the provided PMP table top activities. The activities will be systematic and will be changed on a weekly basis. 

There are several benefits from this program. Parents are able to spend quality time with their child before leaving them at Kindy, building relationships and security. They are also able to see the kind of experiences that are beneficial for their child and follow up with similar activities at home. We understand that some parents may not be able to stay but strongly encourage those who can, particularly parents who have children needing extra time to develop in this area.

Parent Roster
We have been privileged to have such enthusiastic support with our Parent Roster. Please put your name down for this term. If you can’t stay until 12.00pm just stay until 10.30am so that we have help with our Literacy/Numeracy Blocks. If you notice no one is on roster, we would love you to volunteer to cut the fruit for us.

We are looking forward to a productive term.

Thank you for your support
The Kindergarten Team

Easter Bonnet Parade

In our last week of Term 1 we had our Easter Bonnet Parade where we showcased our amazing head pieces. Some of us chose to be bunnies whilst others decided to become a hen, from our text, The Little Red Hen. We paraded our headwear in front of the lovely families, whilst waving, clapping and marching. We sung a few songs and then performed out Little Red Hen Talk for Writing play. We all did a fantastic job! We were lucky enough to have had a visit from the Easter Bunny who left us a little treat hidden around the Nature Play area. 
What a great way to end a fabulous first term!

Old MacDonalds Farm

In Term 1 we had an incursion called Old Mac Donald's Farm. They brought lots of different animals for us to see. We saw animals that was in our story The Little Red Hen. We had a fantastic time patting and feeding the different animals.

Group 1

Group 2